The Return of Outplacement Time Investment – Promising Feedback by Nela Saglenova

HeartHunters story began in May 2014. We chose 8 Executives to take part in our Outplacement & HeartHunters Academy. To have them as a first candidates, to see them developing, sharing ideas, opinions and contacts, to hear from them how they are utilizing own networks and to celebrate with them finding of the new job has been valuable, priceless experience for ISG Finland. We are done with our job and former HeartHunters has evaluated the effect and output of our actions. Now, we are ready to help others. Our business is about helping people. Only jobs disappear, not the work and sometimes everybody needs a kick for a better future.

Former HeartHunters said:

Academy is a good combination of ideas, support from the group and own responsibility”

Head of Business Unit, Age 45 years, living in Espoo

There’s a great need for individualized outplacement coaching for seasoned professionals who haven’t been job hunting for years and the HeartHunters Academy provides such job seekers a very valuable opportunity

Director of Business Development, Age 58 years, living in Helsinki

It is extremely important to get support and chat with others in the similar situation. New understanding of the word “networking

Manager, Age 54 years, living in Lappeenranta

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What Can a Job Seeker Do During Summer? by Nela Saglenova

Have you ever been in the situation when you were unemployed during the summer?

Who has never experienced it might think that it is a big luck. Typical phrases what a job seeker could here in these times are: “I would change it with you immediately”, “Such a great weather – be happy that you don´t have to be closed in the office whole day”, etc. Very often family, relatives or friends don´t realize that an unemployed person needs their support more than ever and shouldn´t grow guilty feelings for having a free time. It doesn´t help one´s confidence, neither does it eliminate one´s worries about the future. It is worth to explain our surrounding people that to lose the job is not the 1st price in the lottery. No matter in which season it happened.

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Käydäänkö Teillä Kilpikonnasotaa? by Jaana Kettunen

Mitä olisi organisaatio ilman poteroita? Niitä, joista käsin omaa reviiriä suojellaan ja varotaan antamasta kenellekään mahdollista vihiä siitä, mitä ollaan tekemässä. Omassa kuopassaan jököttävä esimies pelkää joutuvansa arvostelun kohteeksi tai menettävänsä valtaansa. Se tulisi todeksi, jos muille paljastuisi, ettei esimies tiedäkään kaikesta, ei osaa jokaista yksityiskohtaa ja joutuu kysymään muiden mielipidettä.

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Uskontunnustus, rakkaudentunnustus ja lupaus: Hearthunters™ by ISG Finland – by Erja Mäkilä

Oma intohimo innoittajana

Hearthunters on hieman erilainen outplacement-ohjelma. Miksi? Koska me  ISG Finlandissa halusimme luoda aivan erilaisen ja uudenlaisen konseptin outplacement-palveluun  ja johdon työnhakuun. Halusimme tehdä asioita poikkeuksellisen uudella tavalla ja luoda strategisen työnhaun prosessin. Esikuvana työnhakuvalmennuksessamme meillä oli yrittäjämäinen toiminta. Haluamme että muut löytävät työstä samanlaisen intohimon ja innottajan kuin mekin olemme löytäneet omasta työstämme yrittäjinä.



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Foreigner Starting Career Abroad → Step Out of the Line! – by Nela Saglenova


To be or not to be…” – that is what Hamlet was asking himself in William Shakespeare´s play. And what is foreigner asking when he/she is starting career abroad? Oh boy – thousand questions and sometimes even to be or not to be…

All networks created until now stayed in the home country. All patterns how to find a job shattered into a thousand pieces and aren´t valid anymore. There is a thick black line behind all the preparation for the future career until now and blank list in front.

The universal key code for every foreigner starting career abroad is to Step Out of the Line. But it is not enough. What else to do?

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